I can't remember ever trick or treating in the snow? But then I feel like I have a really spotty childhood memory. Hmm... anyways. This morning Emily and I went "swinging in the snow" then "snow sliding" and now we are getting prepared to carve pumpkins. My mind is having seasonal confusion! Where did fall go?
I wanted to get some corn stalks for the yard before Thanksgiving.
Now I'm thinking what I need is some driveway salt.
But being the optimist I strive to be, I thought... snow, foliage... When the storm finishes and you can actually see more than a foot in front of you (God willing there are still leaves on the trees) the landscape's going to be totally gorgeous. So I did a little search on Pinterest. First I searched "Halloween and Snow".
Now I have tons of Snow White costume ideas.

Clearly the search terms "Autumn and Snow" work much better.
and here is Emily.. Catching her first "tongue snow" of the season.

Three hours later....

Well here is to a weekend full of
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