This week's prompt = Flowers
How appropriate. I just spent a few minutes earlier this week mourning over the loss of the only 2 flowers/plants I have been able to keep alive.
Thanks October Nor'Easter ::sigh::
So I decided to share some flowers that brighten my day
Peonies are my favorite. I never knew about them until I was jealously gazing at my neighbor's yard. There were these puffy, light pink balls of petals that looked so enticing. All I wanted to do was jump in the middle of these "mystery balls" and nestle in the silky softness. And then... like he was reading my mind... Emily came running back with an armful! I was hooked.
I clearly can't get enough of them.

And it's not like these ones are awesome or anything...

or these...

3, 4
It simply amazes me how these incredibly gorgeous, intricately delicate bundles of beauty can be born out of a tiny seed with just a little sunshine and rain. I'm also a sappy, girly-girl who cries when Mike brings me home flowers.
::hint, hint::
Lately it's been Emily bringing me flowers.
Well, dandelions... from the curb.. or dead mums.. ((thanks again Nor'Easter))
But I sure do love seeing how sincere she is with her "flowers for mommy"

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