Friday, November 25, 2011


I was such an adult and hosted my first Thanksgiving! I LOVE hosting dinner parties and I mean, Thanksgiving is like the ultimate one right? I had Mike's family (parents and 3 siblings, my parents, and Mike, Emily and I -- obviously) all over. Here are some of the things I made..

yes, I chose my desserts before anything else

i threw in fresh crans instead of dried.. delicious & sweet

this one takes the cake. enough said.

I bet you're wondering... where is the turkey, stuffing, and mashed potatoes? Yes that was all there, but I have all my own recipes for everything else and I was running like a tornado that I didn't use my camera once. Boo for my failure to record my first official holiday dinner.

The whole day there was this little knot in my stomach. As I was listening to my dad laughing and "hanging with the guys" and spending time in the kitchen with my mom, mother-in-law, and "sister in law", I was simply happy. I felt joy in having all these people that I love so much in my home. I wish days like this were not so few and far between.

I've been so stressed out these past few weeks, between finals and schedules and worrying about jobs, that I haven't sat back and enjoyed being a mom, wife, and friend. Friends? What are those? I can't wait until I am able to spend some time painting nails and drinking coffee with my gfs. That time is so needed and important. With Thanksgiving fresh on my mind, although I may feel resentment when I miss girls night out, or when Mike and I can't spend the whole day together, I am THANKFUL for the opportunity I've been given. I am thankful that Mike is so patient and loving; that he has supported me financially and emotionally for the past 6 long years. Because of him, as much if not more than my own efforts, I am able to live out my dreams.

So thank you Mike :) keep on rocking on!

Emily and I are beginning to decorate for Christmas. Her reaction to me opening the box of ornaments gets me every time. Her ear-to-ear smile, the way she claps her hands, quick with excitement and how she slightly jumps up and down, like her feet are glued on a trampoline. It never gets old.

Here is my inspiration for the yarn trees

Oh oh oh
Here is her Christmas dress. I want to wear it with a fluffy headband and dance to the Nutcracker..

I am so excited to write more when finals are over...

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