Saturday, February 18, 2012

Baked Blueberry Oatmeal

Emily and I fell asleep on the couch together last night.
And woke up in her bed together this morning.
It was one of those mornings you have to pry yourself out of bed because the little furball next to you is so stinking cute, She's hanging on to your arm so tightly and you become so overcome with happiness, but also sadness because you realize that soon she will be too old and "cool" to have you sleep in her bed.

And then she yells at you for taking up too much space and [poof] there goes the moment.

So up and out I went.
To a kitchen full of last night's dishes that whipped up one of the best dinners in a while.

Armed with a plastic bowl and a Pyrex dish, praying the dishes will disappear as soon as we leave for gymnastics, breakfast was on its way.

This recipe was taken from here.
This blog is unreal. I use it consistently and love everything that comes out of it.

I actually didn't alter it, which is something I am notorious for.
It was pretty delicious when its served hot with some extra milk poured on top. And it's healthy! Now go chow down.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

To have a job...

Kate Spade needs to stop.
I ended up on their email list, and now every day I get a reminder of all the awesome, colorful, happy things they make that I cannot afford.

Every day of I dream of things I'll be able to do when I have a job and am no longer a starving graduate student.

This was my first attempt at Polyvore.
How'd I do?

Look at that model. She's drooling for a cheeseburger.

I just couldn't be more excited for spring. I was never a summer gal but I can't wait for COLOR and flowers and SUNSHINEE. Bring it on.
I clearly need some blog'spiration.

On a b.r.i.g.h.t. note - I ran outside for the first time today in soo long, since the summer probably. After reading this post, I reflected. Took hold of my personal judgments and faced them head on. I enjoy running - but I think I suck at it! I don't go far - I think I max at like 4 miles. And some of that is definitely stopping to walk. But who cares? Who cares if I go slower than Emily crawling to bed? I'm doing it for me, and my goal this spring is to just keep going.

So my mission this blustery morning, armed with a new playlist, was to run and not keep track of time, speed or distance. And you know what?

I was slow. so stinking slow.
but it was WONDERFUL.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Photo A Day

I decided [two days late] to link up with the Fat Mum Slim photo a day challenge. I figured this will help me learn more about the different photo apps and programs I recently started using. Plus it's a great way to hold me accountable to taking pics.

I need some self-discipline.

Here's the list for February...


Start taking bets for how long I last...

Friday, February 3, 2012

Red, yellow, blue, green please!

I love color.
I tried to get into that whole neutral whimsical thing, but it just isn't me.

I spent all winter searching for the perfect red cardigan.

Then, one beautiful day, I was stumbling through Nat the Fat Rat and I fell in love. Yes, with emerald green denim.

j crew

I want every pair.


I settled with red and green. Apparently I can't seem to forget about Christmas. Make me some rainbow cake to eat while I wear my rainbow jeans please!

urban outfitters

So here are three easy options. One for every budget. Clearly I could only afford Target at this lowly point in my financial life. How can you say no to a 20$ pair of stretchy denim that, once its on, it looks just like the 80$ pair? However, the dye in the J Crew ones is obviously a much better quality. Maybe I'll splurge on some coral ones, because that color seems to keep coming back every year.

What do you think about this new trend?
It's a little daring, but if you love color, there are tons of way to make this style super cute.

Now someone find me that cardigan...

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Soaking in the Sun

Yes. It is true.

I spent two days outside. [oh ya, and I started running again. gotta burn off that "freshman fifteen". you can absolutely justify it as the FF post-graduation].

At the end of January.

Oh Lordy, I love spring-like weather.

It's been awfully tense in the Silva household.

Emily's mood swings are almost unbearable. And she's been getting in trouble in school. She is very in need of some running and screaming time.

I am certainly going to miss Columbia when April's over. It makes me kinda teary.

What a great couple of days.